The Sunrise Project: 20 – 30


Let’s talk about the Universe. I have known it ever since for its worshipping character and the fulfilment of wishes, ranging from parking spots to physics. And I know that I should be careful with what I am wishing, I am no idiot. Still, it does not explain the current development:

  • Travel, any long-prepared or spontaneous travel? Cancelled.
  • Job, career, earning money? Cancelled.
  • Nature, mountains, hiking? Cancelled. Forbidden, even.
  • Sports, at least independent home sports such as running or yoga? Disabled, thanks to some injury that keeps my shoulder anything but relaxed.

So here I am, raising my fist towards outer space, swearing and threatening “Hey there, come out and face me! If you don’t stop throwing obstacles at me, I will… [?¿!…?] – well, I will…”


The last project still standing has been the 30-sunrises-in-30-days. Here come the sunups of the 4rth Corona decade, April 20 – April 30. I wonder what will motivate me out of bed from May on…


April 20


April 21 = Corona Jogging #17


April 22


April 23 = Corona Jogging #18


April 24


April 25 = Corona Jogging #19


April 26


April 27 = cloudy, no jogging 😦


April 28 = The Yearning, Visualized


April 29


April 30 = Home, Sweet Home

I have learnt a lot about cloud volumes, timing and how to focus on structures. Especially without a tripod at hand, aiming to over-compensate any blurry aspect by gorgeous perspectives or interesting settings.

Bonus Track: Take me to the Moon (part 3). Which Moon?? These days, anything can be artificial…


Day by Day Sunrise Project: Collecting Perspectives

Sometimes, it is beyond words. I get used to ignore the itching lack of possibilities, try not to think of all the things that are missing. Worries about our society’s ethics decrease to a low hum of concern, and any thought of travel destination becomes neglected.


Meanwhile, other action steps in: I purge the mess of undone vacations, clean up my balconies and the entire apartment and do not stop when it comes to the circle of friends. These days, I do not bear distant consternation – shouldn’t friendship come with understanding and comfort? Still, the support among most of my friends and my surrounding is overwhelmingly positive.

Aiming to stabilize positive radiation, here comes the third decade of corona crisis times, sorted by its daily sunrise. It tells me that the 5:00 am alarm clock is worth something.


April 10


April 11 = Corona Jogging #12


April 12


April 13 = Corona Jogging #13


April 14


April 15 = Corona Jogging #14


April 16


April 17 = Corona Jogging #15


April 18


April 19 = Corona Jogging #16

In case you do not want to wait another 10 days for uprising pics, feel free to check out “reisebritta” on instagram.

Bonus Track: Take me to the Moon (part 2):


Catching Sunrise: Day by Day


It is not the isolation. I can be on my own for weeks and be totally fine with it. It is the stay-at-home-thing. The longer I am tied to my flat, the more my brain cells run in circles. Like a dog hunting its tail. During travelling, during hiking, whenever I am in motion towards something, my mind comes to a rest and the manner of thinking changes. I let loose, ignore single thoughts, let enfold pictures, scenarios, situations, entire worlds in my head. Calm down, mentally.

Given the Bavarian “Ausgangsbeschränkung”, a word far too typical and showing a threatening kind of beauty in restriction, I look for exits. How to exit depression? Leave the walls around, find motivation and sense. Leave behind the bureaucracy of unemployment forms, tax calculations and how-to-survive-business.


I choose colours and light and begin to run at sunrise. After a while, even the non-jogging-days are in scope for my personal sunup. Ever since, I set my alarm clock at 5:20 am, start with a coffee and jump off my couch as soon as the sky becomes splendid.

While the first 10 days of running against Corona are already posted, and realizing that days feel like ages this year, I call it a decade. Thanks to fantastic weather, here comes the 2nd decade of sunrise against virus: fighting the blues and flirting (sometimes) with the dissolving moon.


Enjoy! And remember to flatten the frustration curve.


April 01 = Corona Jogging #7


April 02


April 03 = Corona Jogging #8


April 04


April 05 = Corona Jogging #9


April 06


April 07 = Corona Jogging #10


April 08


April 09 = Corona Jogging #11

Bonus Track: Take me to the Moon (part 1):
